Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 441 to 450 of 654 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 441 Add To MyWish List Dreams Pink Petunia Petunia 'Dreams Pink' Plant Type: annual Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: full sun Dreams Pink Petunia is draped in stunning pink trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from mid spring to late summer.... 442 Add To MyWish List Dreams Red Petunia Petunia 'Dreams Red' Plant Type: annual Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: full sun Dreams Red Petunia is draped in stunning red trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to late summer. Its... 443 Add To MyWish List Dreams Salmon Petunia Petunia 'Dreams Salmon' Plant Type: annual Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: full sun Dreams Salmon Petunia is smothered in stunning salmon trumpet-shaped flowers with white throats at the ends of the stems from... 444 Add To MyWish List Dreams White Petunia Petunia 'Dreams White' Plant Type: annual Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: full sun Dreams White Petunia is blanketed in stunning white trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to late... 445 Add To MyWish List Hells Forge Petunia Petunia 'Hells Forge' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: full sun A superb semi-trailing series featuring a vigorous, branching habit, ideal for filling out containers, hanging baskets or gardens... 446 Add To MyWish List Itsy™ Magenta Petunia Petunia 'Itsy Magenta' Plant Type: annual Height: 6 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A trailing variety perfect for garden landscapes, patio containers and hanging baskets; small, bold and vibrant magenta trumpeted... 447 Add To MyWish List Itsy™ White Petunia Petunia 'Itsy White' Plant Type: annual Height: 6 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A trailing variety perfect for garden landscapes, patio containers and hanging baskets; tiny but bold bright white trumpeted... 448 Add To MyWish List Headliner™ Night Sky® Petunia Petunia 'KLEPH15313' Plant Type: annual Height: 16 inches Spacing: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun This stunning variety featuring purple-blue flowers with white spots will add a pop of color to any hanging basket, container or... 449 Add To MyWish List Headliner™ Starry Sky Burgundy Petunia Petunia 'KLEPH18389' Plant Type: annual Height: 16 inches Spacing: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun This absolute stunning selection features deep burgundy flowers with spots and a center star, add some dramatic flare to hanging... 450 Add To MyWish List Headliner™ Crystal Sky® Petunia Petunia 'KLEPH20411' Plant Type: annual Height: 16 inches Spacing: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun This stunning variety featuring lavender-blue flowers with white spots will add a pop of color to any hanging basket, container... << 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool