Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 51 to 60 of 486 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 51 Add To MyWish List Dwarf Golden Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Aurea' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A very slow growing variety with scalloped green and golden foliage with a hint of rust; may reach only 3 feet at maturity with a... 52 Add To MyWish List Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A fantastic garden variety of the species with a rounded, compact habit, ideal for detail use; very delicate, almost ferny foliage 53 Add To MyWish List Sunlight Lace Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sunlight Lace' Plant Type: shrub Height: 15 feet Spread: 12 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful, showy selection, featuring fine, lacy sprays of bright lemon yellow foliage on a pyramidal form; displays most... 54 Add To MyWish List Thoweil Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Thoweil' Plant Type: shrub Height: 6 feet Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This very slow growing dwarf variety has an upright, narrow habit and fine deep green foliage; great in small spaces, as a... 55 Add To MyWish List Verdoni Gold Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Verdoni Gold' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent tree features very finely-textured light green foliage tipped in... 56 Add To MyWish List Curly Tops Moss Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Curly Tops' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A conical shaped garden evergreen with soft and mossy, pale silver-gray foliage which turns bronze in fall; holds a globe shape... 57 Add To MyWish List Golden Mop Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' Plant Type: shrub Height: 7 feet Spread: 6 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A variety of threadleaf falsecypress with fine, almost string-like golden foliage all season long, giving an extremely fine... 58 Add To MyWish List King's Gold Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 7 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun One of the most golden accent shrubs available, this forms a wide-spreading mound with delicate sprays of golden foliage that... 59 Add To MyWish List Tsukumo Falsecypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Tsukumo' Plant Type: shrub Height: 24 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A variety of threadleaf falsecypress with fine, almost string-like deep green foliage, giving a fine texture; ideal for texture... 60 Add To MyWish List Stand By Me Bush Clematis Clematis 'Stand By Me' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This interesting bush variety produces large, blue , nodding flowers with contrasting cream stamens; perfect for beds and patio... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool