Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 451 to 460 of 759 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 451 Add To MyWish List Breakers Iris Iris 'Breakers' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 24 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Breakers Iris features showy blue flag-like flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early summer. The flowers are... 452 Add To MyWish List Immortality Iris Iris 'Immortality' Plant Type: perennial Height: 24 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Immortality Iris features bold white flag-like flowers with a buttery yellow beard at the ends of the stems in mid spring. The... 453 Add To MyWish List Savannah Sunset Iris Iris 'Savannah Sunset' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 24 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Savannah Sunset Iris features bold peach flag-like flowers with orange overtones and a red beard at the ends of the stems in late... 454 Add To MyWish List That's All Folks Iris - New For 2025! Iris 'That's All Folks' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 28 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 20 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This vibrant iris produces spectacular, frilly yellow standards with white falls edged in yellow, and white tipped beards; a... 455 Add To MyWish List Japanese Water Iris Iris ensata Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 24 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun This iris has very high water needs and doesn't like to dry out 456 Add To MyWish List Golden Variegated Sweet Iris Iris pallida 'Aureovariegata' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spacing: 14 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Golden Variegated Sweet Iris has masses of beautiful lilac purple flag-like flowers with purple throats and a yellow beard at the... 457 Add To MyWish List Variegated Sweet Iris Iris pallida 'Variegata' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spacing: 14 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Variegated Sweet Iris has masses of beautiful lilac purple flag-like flowers with purple throats and a yellow beard at the ends... 458 Add To MyWish List Siberian Iris Iris sibirica Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Siberian iris varies from white to blue; blooms emerge from lush, sword-like foliage; hardy and easy to grow; cut back in the... 459 Add To MyWish List Caesar's Brother Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 28 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Caesar's Brother Siberian Iris has masses of beautiful royal blue flag-like flowers with white throats and a gold beard at the... 460 Add To MyWish List Contrast In Styles Siberian Iris Iris sibirica 'Contrast In Styles' Plant Type: perennial Height: 28 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A striking variety producing blooms with reddish purple standards and falls, and lighter, bluish styles; massed plantings give... << 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool