Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 431 to 440 of 759 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 431 Add To MyWish List Shadowland® Seducer Hosta Hosta 'Seducer' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 26 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful green center with wide gold margins, lightly streaked with white on the inside; leaves are heart shaped, lightly... 432 Add To MyWish List Sister Act Hosta Hosta 'Sister Act' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 3 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade This standout variety features golden leaves with bluish margins that mature to dark green; provides outstanding contrast to... 433 Add To MyWish List Snow Cap Hosta Hosta 'Snow Cap' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 20 inches Flower Height: 32 inches Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A gray-green leaf center with streaky white to cream margins; spikes of large white flowers in early to mid-summer; a stunning... 434 Add To MyWish List So Sweet Hosta Hosta 'So Sweet' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 18 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade Glossy medium-green leaves with creamy variegation and wavy margins; provides beautiful texture and contrast to other plants;... 435 Add To MyWish List Spartacus Hosta Hosta 'Spartacus' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade This attractive variety features deeply veined blue-green leaves that form a dome shape, with heavily rippled yellow margins;... 436 Add To MyWish List Sum and Substance Hosta Hosta 'Sum and Substance' Plant Type: perennial Height: 3 feet Spacing: 4 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade A sun tolerant selection, perfect for adding texture and color to summer garden beds and landscapes; thick, heart shaped leaves... 437 Add To MyWish List Summer Lovin' Hosta Hosta 'Summer Lovin'' Plant Type: perennial Height: 18 inches Spacing: 24 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade An attractive mounded selection perfect for adding texture and color to shaded borders and beds; thick, heart shaped leaves; dark... 438 Add To MyWish List Trendsetter Hosta Hosta 'Trendsetter' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 30 inches Spacing: 3 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade This attractive variety features broad, ovate green leaves with yellow marginal variegation that matures to white; pale lavender... 439 Add To MyWish List Victory Hosta Hosta 'Victory' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 30 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 5 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade A strong vigorous plant that forms a huge mound of heart-shaped, shiny green foliage with yellow to creamy white margins;... 440 Add To MyWish List Shadowland® Voices In The Wind Hosta Hosta 'Voices In The Wind' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 24 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade This eye catching variety features wedge shaped, blue-green leaves with heavily ruffled, creamy yellow margins; pale lavender... << 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool