Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 251 to 260 of 654 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 251 Add To MyWish List Glimmer™ Salmon Double Impatiens Impatiens 'Balglimsal' Plant Type: annual Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade An outstanding and disease resistant series presenting double blooms resembling roses; salmon-pink flowers are set on lush mounds... 252 Add To MyWish List Magnum Blue New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Blue' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A heat tolerant selection presenting exceptionally large flowers that bloom all summer, over rich green foliage; best in filtered... 253 Add To MyWish List Magnum Purple New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Bright Purple' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful series, producing extra large flowers nestled on top of dark green foliage; a shade loving variety that performs well... 254 Add To MyWish List Magnum Clear Pink New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Clear Pink' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful series, producing extra large flowers nestled on top of dark green foliage; a shade loving variety that performs well... 255 Add To MyWish List Magnum Fire New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Fire' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A heat tolerant selection presenting exceptionally large flowers that bloom all summer, over rich green foliage; best in filtered... 256 Add To MyWish List Magnum Hot Pink New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Hot Pink' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A heat tolerant selection presenting exceptionally large flowers that bloom all summer, over rich green foliage; best in filtered... 257 Add To MyWish List Magnum Lavender Splash New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Lavender Splash' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful series, producing extra large flowers nestled on top of dark green foliage; a shade loving variety that performs well... 258 Add To MyWish List Magnum Purple New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Purple' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A heat tolerant selection presenting exceptionally large flowers that bloom all summer, over rich green foliage; best in filtered... 259 Add To MyWish List Magnum Red New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Red' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful series, producing extra large flowers nestled on top of dark green foliage; a shade loving variety that performs well... 260 Add To MyWish List Magnum Red Flame New Guinea Impatiens Impatiens 'Magnum Red Flame' Plant Type: annual Height: 8 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A heat tolerant selection presenting exceptionally large flowers that bloom all summer, over rich green foliage; best in filtered... << 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool